The Bridge of Now is now available for purchase!
Alvagh Cronin knows the human heart and has written The Bridge of Now straight from her own.”
—Miriam O’Callaghan, Irish Journalist
The Bridge of Now is an irresistible work of storytelling about a family. The story begins with Laura, who leaves her abusive marriage, taking her toddler son, Daniel with her. Inventive, magical, and uplifting, this novel is alive with unforgettable characters and tells the story of Daniel’s upbringing, following his childhood, his relationship with his parents, and also a mystical older woman named Elba, who winds her wisdom into his heart and the hearts of his wife Anna and their children. The story brims with truth, compassion, and lyrical power that strikes the soul.
Filled with simple wisdom that will touch your heart, The Bridge of Now will open you to new insights about love, relationships, and reflections on the passing of time,
The addition of a guidebook at the back of the book encourages the reader to explore and integrate the visionary and metaphysical teachings held within the story.
“A gripping page-turner full of insight, wisdom, and mystery. If you’re looking for a beautiful escape from reality—this is it!”

Work with Alvagh
Golden TeraMai™ Reiki
“In all the turmoil that is often our lives…I went searching and seeking. In trying to find clarity and my joy, I found Alvagh and her practice. Her grace, gentleness, and knowledge have allowed me to trust and honour my own light.”
—Dearbhla, Kildare

I have 15 years experience working with the beautiful energy that is Tera Mai Reiki.
In 2020, at the early stages of the pandemic, I contacted Kathleen Milner (who owns the trademark for all Tera Mai Reiki), and was reinitiated into the ‘upgraded’ Golden Tera Mai Reiki and Akasha Seichem. This has added a significant boost of power to the healings and, honestly, to my life.
If you would like to work with me, please text me 0n
00353 86 856 8440 to make an appointment
For a Golden TeraMai Reiki & Akasha Seichem Healing Session
For some information on my courses
To discuss ordering my book “The Bridge Of Now”